Friday, June 29, 2012

My Prayer Today

Today my emotions are conflicting. We are nearing Aiden's 4th birthday. Tomorrow family and friends will come together to celebrate the precious gift that he is. He is such a source of joy, wonder, and love. I am profoundly grateful that he is my son. But this time of year always reminds me that somewhere in China, another woman's heart is probably breaking. Somewhere another mother wonders how her son is. She questions if she did the right thing. Did he live? Where is he? How does he spend his day? Who are his friends and family? Today as I rocked Aiden for his nap in anticipation of a long night of baseball and fun with his cousins, uncle, grandpa, and dad, I felt a physical ache for that other mom. The mom who sacrificed so much. For five months, she nurtured him, loved him, rejoiced in him, laughed with him and cried for him. Surely her heartbreak is felt more acutely at momentous times during the year: New Year -- a time for family, the day she had to leave him on the steps of a church, and his birthday. I wish somehow I could tell her that he is ok: that he is better than ok. He is wonderful. I want her to know that he is one of the happiest, well-adjusted little boys I have ever been blessed to know, and I believe that that love and bonding she gave him when he was an infant is a very important part of that. I would tell her that although he has faced and will face struggles, he will do it with a wonderful support system. She should know that he has an incredible number of people who not only love but cherish him. She deserves to know that he is surrounded by people who care and will do anything to make sure he will thrive. Most of all, though, I want her to know that although I may be the furthest thing from a perfect mom, I will always do my best and I will always love her son -- OUR son. I pray God will whisper that in her ear and somehow she can find some peace.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday to your sweet boy! Yes, so many mixed emotions on these special days! So thankful for God's plan and his hand in our sweet little one's lives.
