Thursday, October 16, 2014

TA Baby!

The last couple of days have been anxiety-ridden to say the least. Yesterday was rough, but today was excruciating. While my students quizzed, I obsessively stalked emails and other available sources to see who, if anybody, was getting TAs. I wish the following statement was a gross exaggeration, but I'm afraid it's not. I had a hard time tearing my eyes from my computer screen for more than a minute or two. Seriously. I bet I refreshed my email 20 times an hour. Between refreshes, I asked about 50 questions of various people and lamented my lack of travel approval to anybody (online) who was unfortunate enough to be in the same virtual space as I was. My stress level was at an all-time high for this adoption. (This can be confirmed with my students....poor kids.) I was at school, but I wasn't really there. I, quite literally, was starting to feel ill.

As it happened, I was scouring old blog posts around 2:00 to see on which day of the week we had received TAs for Aiden and Ethan and at what time of the day we had been informed about those TAs. Turns out, both had come on a Friday and both were later in the day. I resigned myself to another day's wait at least. I turned away for a second, turned back, and there was an email from Steve, our "Travel Guy," with the subject line of YES. There was nothing in the body of the email. My heart began to race and my hands to shake. I replied, "What?!?!?!" He immediately responded with, "TA." Nothing more. Steve's a funny guy. I shot another email to him. "Are.....You....Kidding....ME?!?!?!" He replied, "I never kid about things like that. Too dangerous." Valid point, Steve. Valid point!

Shortly thereafter we got the official email. Sure enough. China has officially agreed to allow us to come to get our son. We still have half a step left. We need to get an appointment with our consulate in China so Carter can get his American visa. Now, there is a chance that the appointment times for our dates are full, but we're praying that's not the case and that we will travel in November. If that is the case, we will be in Shanghai three weeks from now -- and while exciting beyond words, I am also sick at heart.

I already miss these little monkeys just thinking about being gone!!! Hopefully, though, that we will all be united -- our family of five -- under the same roof, in our home, before Thanksgiving!

CA update to follow.....

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