Good news! Our little guy's TB test was negative. That was the "big event" of the day. I knew it was ok, though, because I had to search to even find where they had stuck him for the test. It was still a little traumatic for him. I think he remembered the place, and when the nurse grabbed his arm to check, he had a mild melt-down. But I was holding him, so as soon as I stood up, it was all good. My big news is, after the check, we came back and put Aiden down for a nap, at which point I got to go out with some other adoptive mothers for some shopping. We've made the most amazing friends whom we assume will be so for life. They're great. Peggy, Leslie, and I had some shopping time to ourselves. I love to haggle, and this is the place for that! Troy stayed back with Aiden while he napped, and I got an hour and a half of non-Aiden-toting. It was heaven. Don't get me wrong, I love him more than anything in this world, but I cannot begin to express the searing pain that riddles my back and arms. A week of non-stop lugging (and by non-stop, I mean almost literally constant carrying) is causing some serious pain and strain. When I came back, Aiden and Daddy were just hanging. He'd been up for about 10 minutes, but no tears had been shed - PROGRESS! We then went to Subway. Um. Yuck. It looks the same. It is not. Their mayo? Sweet. Gross. Aiden seemed to like it though. We did a little looking at some souveniers on the way home; our little man had a blast going up and down the three stairs in front of the shops. He and Daddy spent about 20 minutes doing that. We're pretty sure he's not had much experience with that, something we hadn't considered. After our excursion, we came home to reorgannize luggange and check gifts; we had to see what we still needed to get. Sorry Heritage - those presents are not for you! ;) Then, it was off to supper with our Xi'an travel group. Our time with them is getting short, and it makes us a little sad. Hopefully, though, we'll all meet up eventually again; we would love to stay in touch with them. Once we got home, it was tubbie time with Aiden. It's interesting. He's adapted to baths which at first freaked him out. Now he loves to play in the tub! Now he's sawing logs, and I'm getting ready to call it a night. It was a great day. Tomorrow = oath taking ceremony. We are so close. Now, if Super Typhoon Megi will allow us to make it home, we'll really start our quest. Raising Aiden. (BTW, he's turning out to be a HANDFUL!!!! We'll have to fill everybody in on that when we have more time. And energy!) Zai jian!
Pictures above: Troy and Aiden at bed time; breakfast at the White Swan
Those moments of progress are what will sustain you. Be empowered. You're everything to him--remember that and he'll be everything for you too. Maybe. Just do your best.